Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's Saturday!!

Psalms 5:3 - In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.

It’s early Saturday morning and we are excited that meetings start at 8:30am instead of 8:00am.  O the gift of 30 more minutes of sleep!!  The picture above is just outside our dorm flat yesterday morning.  The surroundings are quiet and peaceful.  Our days have been full of meetings to prepare us for transition to another culture, understanding the students we will encounter, understanding ourselves, learning to leave, learning to adapt, and more.  It has been compared to “drinking from a fire hose”.  So much information to take in at one time, yet we are eager to return to learn more.  Between meetings, during meals, and the free time, we interact with those going all over the world, some for the first time and staff with over 100 years combined experience.  We try to soak in all we can!!

Behind the scenes of all this, Billy and I are negotiating an offer on our home!  We are cautiously excited.  The stress levels start to rise and we have to continually remind ourselves that our God is sovereign and in control of every detail of our lives. We must put our trust in Him alone.  And so as we wait, we continue to prepare to go.

As we have been learning to transition to other cultures, the chipmunk above reminds me that we are strangers to our surroundings even here.  Lydia was so excited to see the live chipmunks all around campus noting that at home we would only see them at the zoo.  Yes this is not Florida, we have no air-conditioning in our dorm flat which is even more apparent when we get home each evening and the temperature is over 80 degrees.  As I navigated the small grocery store last night, it was definitely not Publix.   And so I begin to think about how I will transition to our new home in Vienna.  The information and experiences from PFO will be invaluable as we move across the ocean. 

Ever grateful,
Ada (aka “Miss” Clair) 

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