Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Very Full Week!

It’s Saturday and the first official day of our Spring/Easter Break!  We have had an unusually busy week so I’m looking forward to a little down time.  Last Saturday, Billy left at 6:00am to fly to London until Thursday.  He spent Saturday through Monday sightseeing in London before heading to Oxford for school related training.   Lydia headed to volleyball by mid morning while Mitchell went to show choir practice and then met up with friends.  Mitchell’s friend Josh was staying with us for the week and he had a Romania mission team meeting along with chores to do at home.  I got up early to see Billy off and then get the required grocery shopping done so I could spend a leisurely afternoon with a girlfriend sipping tea and visiting the Easter markets.  Later, Lydia joined us and we had a girl’s night out for dinner!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I worked from home while  2 repairmen fixed our leaking shower.  We discovered it was leaking into the downstairs apartment about 5 weeks ago, not good and have not been able to use it since then.   Thankfully we have a second shower, just in case you were wondering.   I’m pleased to report the shower is now repaired!!  

Lydia had 2 volleyball games this week. So Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon I enjoyed watching the games and visiting with her teammates’ parents.  I’m pleased to report that they won the game on Tuesday, but were not as fortunate on Wednesday.  Following the games, I hurried home to fix dinner for 3 and some days 4 hungry teenagers.  In addition, Mitchell and I ran errands to prepare for his France mission trip.

Thursday after school I had a staff meeting and then headed home to cook dinner and help Mitchell and Josh get ready for their trips.  Mitchell would be leaving Friday morning for France while Josh wouldn't leave until Saturday morning. The family room was filled with suitcases, clothes, and a drying rack full of laundry.  We double checked packing lists and made sure they had their important travel documents.  Everyone stayed up until after 11:00pm to greet Billy when he arrived home that evening.  

Click here to read more about the France Mission Trip

Following a late night, 5:00am Friday morning came early to get Mitchell up and to school by 6:15am.  After getting him off, the rest of us headed out to school at our usual time.  That evening, Billy and I helped with the International Family Fun Night (IFFN) at ICSV.  For IFFN, our student’s and their families wear international dress and bring food common to their home country to share.  There are various “country” rooms set up for everyone to visit and learn about the specific country.  After visiting the room, the children get their “passport” stamped.  It was a fun night visiting with our school families and a great way to learn about the different countries and cultures represented at the school.

We headed home after a fun evening to a slumber party with 3 girls and a boy doing his laundry and final packing.  Saturday morning Josh headed to the school at 7:30am to leave for Romania, while the girls all  slept in. We are thankful for a quiet day of rest and glad it is Spring Break! We hope  you all have a blessed and wonderful Easter!

Love and blessing from Vienna,
Ada (aka "Miss" Clair)

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