There are signs that Spring is coming, but the snow has lingered! |
Psalms 115:1 - Not to us, Oh Lord; but to YOUR name be the Glory.
Last week we enjoyed Spring Break and I wanted to share a little about what is going on at ICSV and in our lives. While you may not recognize the couple below, rest assured, we have not changed jobs!! We are still teaching and serving at ICSV!!
Our costumes for the Talent Show skit - Life Guard and Rock Star!! |
ICSV Staff Skit - Countries and states represented in the skit: Florida, Colorado, Massachusetts, Canada, Slovakia, New Zealand, and Nigeria! God has brought staff from all over the world to serve at ICSV!! |
Middle School skit, Lydia is to the far left, seated at the table. |
1. Romanian Mission Trip:
We had a lot of fun back in February participating in the ICSV Talent Show. The Romania team threw the Fundraiser Event at our school,
The International Christian School of Vienna, titled
ICSV's Got Talent. Over 120 people showed up to the event and the team raised approximately 1.200 euro. It was a lot of fun and the students did a great job organizing the event. They not only set up and cleaned up, they served the dinner and washed dishes. The Romanian Mission team consist of 31 ICSV students as well as 10 adults for a total of 41 people! During Spring Break, they served at the
River of Life mission for abandoned women and children in Cornesti, Romania. The money raised at the Talent Show was given directly to the mission along with other donations from our school families. They reported that the mission used the money to buy bikes for the children. The mission children had been praying for bikes and our team got to be God's answer to their prayers!! While in Romania, the team worked laying the foundation for some elderly homes and building a secure fence. In addition, they put on a children's program. It was hard work but they did a great job helping these missionaries. This year they chose a theme for the trip titled
Not to us, inspired by the verse in Psalm 115:1 that says...
Not to us, Oh Lord; but to YOUR name be the Glory.
They wanted this trip to be about Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ
The 2013 ICSV Romanian Mission Team |
Jessica and Becca, ICSV staff who lead the Romanian Team.
2. Billy's Family Visits!!:
Billy's parents, Judy and Erik arrived on March 27th!! We were excited to see them! They spent several days in Vienna, sight-seeing and visiting the school. Michael, an ICSV History teacher took us on a great tour of Vienna along with visiting several of the Easter Markets. On Easter Sunday, we woke to snow and all flew to Paris! We enjoyed more sight seeing and vi
siting with Billy's cousin Danny and his wife Claire. It was so special to be with Billy's parents over our spring break!
Judy and Erik in front of Rathaus (Vienna City Hall) |
Judy, Erik, and Billy in front of Karlskirche in Vienna (St Charles Church) |
Eggs at one of the many Easter Markets in Vienna |
Sight-seeing in Paris, chilly, but sunny! |
Mitchell, Billy, Lydia, and Judy in front of Sacre Coeur |
3. Finishing Strong:
We returned to Vienna after a fun visit to Paris and had a few days to rest before retruning to school. It was good to hear Mitchell and Lydia say they enjoyed Paris, but were glad to be "home". God has grown them and stretched them in so many ways this year!
It's hard to believe we are in the last 9 weeks of the school year! The year has flown by so quickly. Please pray that we would all finish strong and finish well!! Warmer temperatures and sunshine this week are a welcome change, but it also means "spring fever"! Already the students come into the classroom asking if we can go outside for class time. :) We are more tired lately it seems and there is still much work to be done. Pray we can stay focused on God's calling here and not looking too far ahead to the summer!
Fun in Paris, Billy trying to look French!:) |
Lydia in front of the Eiffel Tower, a dream come true! |
Mitchell playing in praise band during chapel at ICSV. | | |
Speaking of summer, I'm excited to share that we have our plane tickets home to Florida for the summer to see many of your sweet faces!! Thank you for your continued love, support, and prayers!! We are so grateful for the support we get from friends and family that make it possible to serve at ICSV!!
Love and blessings from Vienna,
Ada (aka "Miss" Clair)